Virtual Watchfloor


Daily Reports on Vessels declaring to be en route to a port/country via AIS

  • We provide a daily email report of all vessels declaring to be en route to a port or country no matter where they are located around the globe.

Vetting of all vessels en route for Safety and/or Security concerns

  • Using our proven Risk Assessment Modules (RAM) based on detailed rule sets, we vet all vessels en route to your ports or country for Safety or Security concerns.

Customized Reports and Email Alerts

  • Provide Smart Safety Software Inc. with your requirements and concerns and we will set up queries and alerts to automatically provide you with detailed reports on high interest vessels

Immediately Improve Your Maritime Situational Awareness

Smart Safety Software Inc.’s MDA watchstanders identify anomalous and nefarious behavior on the high seas and coastal waters, and work closely with you to monitor areas of concern and systematically review the risk criteria developed on the basis of your analysts’ local knowledge


You’re in Control

  • You determine the information we monitor, you determine how often you wish to receive the information, you specify the companies, vessel types, vessel flags, control countries, and more that you’re interested in

Save Countless Man-hours and Dollars

  • Smart Safety Software Inc. Maritime Experts monitor high interest shipping for you. User defined queries result in identification of “vessels of interest” -- alerts are automatically sent via email. No need to staff a 24 hour watch floor.

Get Started Immediately

  • See the benefits and realize the power of our leading technology and Maritime experts while eliminating your IT footprint, high costs and delays

More Than just Vessel Tracking

Virtual Watchfloor provides high speed, high volume, continuous threat evaluation for every identified track on all vessels with an AIS signal - currently tracking over 200,000 vessels daily.